Links complete the picture that would like to give.
This website highlights the opportunities that are available for young tennis players. It's possible to be ambitious, to aim for the highest levels, to find help, and to be able to continue a relatively normal life, by studying. All of this will cost you not much more than "normal" students who have no particular sporting ambitions.
With exceptional talent, sponsors will be knocking on your door. The only thing you, the potential champion, have to deliver, is commitment.
Our links cover some of the specialist areas that our readers like reading about. These include : -
Tennis lessons
Video instruction
National Federations
Tennis Installations
Tennis Academies
Tennis Events
Exercise routines
If you wish to install a link onto your web pages to or from, contact the editor by using the contact forms on this site. We welcome all enquiries! is the tennis scholarship arm of a charitable association created in 2002 called Challenge Europe. The charity provides education and training opportunities for disadvantaged young people. Many of its participants rely on the internet for their inspiration and I know that they enjoy reading a wide range of websites.
I'd suggest making a simple link from a page such as : -
onto your website, or linking off our links page. Of course you're free to suggest how this link is structured. requires no returned link if you don't wish.
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Five of our most popular pages
. tournament win
. finding a sponsor
. the touring pro
. the master at work