Talented tennis player

by Aya khalaf
(kitchener,canada )

My name is Aya, Aya, I'm 17 years old, I'm from Syria, I came to Canada for a year, I live in Kitchener now

I have been playing tennis since I was 8 years old.

At the beginning of my practice my dad was the one who coaching me and him as the one to support me because he sees that I have talent then he put for me a special coach and I used to have a team to train with but when the war started in Syria we had to move to another city in Syria because of the war and the situation was bad there and there was one playground for more than one game (basketball _ volleyball _ football) , There was not enough time to train and there was no team or coach so my dad decided to train me ,and This situation has continued for five years

But with all that In Syrian tournaments, I often won first or second place I have medals and cups for those tournaments .

This would have qualified me to play with the Syrian team outside the country .The third trip with my team out of the country was to Indonesia i didn't get any position.

The last tournament that I played before I Get out of Syria was( West Asia), I was playing singles and doubles.

I had an injury in my thigh during the final game so I got the second place in singles, I pressed myself to play the doubles with my partner and we get the second place as well as singles

when we get to Canada, I went to Waterloo tennis club to start training and I start training there me and my brother with a coach and they were nice with us so they decide the summer of 2017 to give us a free pass because they see our playing and the hear our story

But my injury to my thigh was hurting me all the time, so I started my therapy at Waterloo Sports Medicine Centre.Then I get back to playing tennis after five month

I need money to enter the tournaments. I will start at the level of the region where I live and I am confident that I will be assigned to bigger tournaments.

To play in the tournament you will need money for the hotel too.

This is My story thanks for reading this and I appreciate anyone who can help me reach my goal

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Aug 09, 2018
A Syrian tennis player
by: David

Thanks for your story Aya.
It sounds like you've had to work harder than most players to achieve what you have done. Canada seems to have welcomed you with open arms. Well done to Waterloo Tennis Club in Canada.

I'm looking forward to hearing you making progress with your tennis.


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